Wednesday 19 December 2018


 Nowadays, Space Research projects are on the rise in every country. Organisations such as NASA and ISRO are taking more active part in this and the Government of the respective countries are also supporting these space research and investing huge amount in it. But are these space researches actually worth of the time and amount being invested in it.

            Space Research is definitely something which be done but before investing in these researches we should see that can we invest these money somewhere else where it will give more return on investment and also will be good for humanity.

            Before doing research outside our Planet Earth, we should first look at our own planet. There are millions of people going to sleep hungry everyday, there are people who don't have shelter. Ain't these money be used for them. There are economically backward countries that don't have enough finance to do much development work. These money can be used to fund them also, so that the entire world becomes developed.

           Even if we look at our Planet Earth, it still is unexplored and a lot is left to be explored in Earth itself. Seabeds, Volcanic Regions and many other things can be and should be explored instead of doing space researches.

           Another big issue that needs to be addressed is Global Warming. The Government should invest to control Global Warming and researchers should come up with methods to reduce Global Warming. This will also be a useful investment as this is a major concern today with ever increasing pollution.

         The amount of time and dedication that is being given to space research should have been used to improve the life life of common people. We do not need to find out right now whether we can live on Mars or not because Earth may be inhabitable and people will die. People are already dying because of hunger and thats need to be addressed first.

        Also, recently space research is becoming a parameter to show a country's strength. The Government is spending huge amount in these just to boost about their technology advancement and also to show that they are developing their countries. But in reality no direct benefit can be reaped from it. In the long run, after few decades some benefit may be seen but as of now these researches don't give any direct benefit.

        To conclude, I am not against space research or activities like this but these things should not be given priority as it is given. We have hundreds of problems requiring urgent attention where huge investment is required, that should be given priority instead of space research. First we should make ourselves better and then we should look at anything else.

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