Sunday 23 September 2018


              Present education system in India is pretty boring. A normal child schooling starts from Nursery and that goes till class 12. Various subjects are introduced in school and a student is asked to make a choice after class 10, which stream they want to take - Science, Commerce or Humanities.

              If you take Science - you will become Doctor or Engineer; Commerce - CA or MBA; Humanities - Teacher. This is the most common thing we have been hearing from our elders. But this is wrong. India is opening to a lot of new professions that will be very demanding in future and equally important for the growth of our country. A child should be encouraged to take up a profession which he/she is good for him/her.

              Now, coming to the flaws that are there in our education system. First and foremost thing is that we get more than 90% theoretical education which is either obsolete or is irrelevant. Students are judged based on their marks, which they get just by writing answers that they have mugged up. Just mugging up answers and writing them and getting good marks should not be the way a student is evaluated. There are students who have graduated but you will find their basic concept is still not clear. This is because they have just mugged up everything without understanding anything.

             Since childhood, a student is taught only one thing - " you have to get good marks" and this is the root of all evil. Marks should not be the only parameter in which a student should be judged. In a country of more than one billion people, we cannot have a single parameter to judge everyone. If someone is not good in studies that doesn't mean he/she is not good for nothing. There must be some other talent in him/her. Our Education System has made us think like this, that marks is the only thing we should look forward too.

           Every subject taught to us has a textbook and we are expected to stick to it only. But is it possible to compile the entire subject matter in a 500 or even a 1000 page text book. A subject has ocean of knowledge, it just cannot fit into a single book. There is a practical side also of a subject which is completely ignored by schools and we end up learning only the theoretical side of a subject and that too by just "mugging up" texts and we think we know the subject very well.

          If this is the kind of Education System we will continue with, then its pretty hard to say we will ever be a developed nation. We need to change this traditional and obsolete education system. Our education system is not at all career or goal oriented. I have seen people who are graduate but not getting job because of the simple reason, they don't have the required knowledge and practical skill to do the job.

          Education should make a person eligible for job. No matter which stream one belong to, he/she after completion of the education must have indepth knowledge of the subject including the practical aspects. "Mugging Up" should not be encouraged, marks oriented teaching should not be there and teachers should help a child in exploring various professions so that he/she can make a right choice. It will take time to completely change this obsolete education system but atleast we should make an effort and encourage others also to do so.

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