Wednesday 30 August 2017


People drowned in waist depth water

 Rain lashed Mumbai on tuesday, 29th August bringing normal life to a standstill and causing huge damage.

The Meteorologist department recorded more than 200mm of rain in several parts of the city in less than 12 hours, some area even received around 300mm of rain. Railway service was suspended as stations were waterlogged, it resumed later in the day. The traffic in the entire city came to a hault. Flight operations too were disrupted due to poor visibility. Officials said that the death toll is at least five, with many people reportedly missing.

Railway Station waterlogged

Mumbai slowly limped backed to normal life on wednesday. Many roads were being cleared and water in some areas receded. Although the situation is not normal fully, it is improving. The Meteorologist department has predicted heavy rainfall in neighboring states too.

No substantial rainfall was been reported on wednesday and the morning was bright and the skies looked pretty clear  

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