Tuesday 1 January 2019


 Agriculture and Manufacturing are the two face of same coin. Without agriculture a country cannot exist and without manufacturing a country cannot develop. I'll first discuss the importance of both of them individually so that it becomes clear what should be our priority.


  •  Agriculture is the basic source of food supply of any country. It is very important for a country to be self sufficient in food supply as it is the basic necessity of human being.   
  •  Agriculture apart from being a source of food supply, it is also a major source of employment in India. In India, 70% of the population lives in rural area and the main source of occupation there is farming. It employs nearly half of total workforce. This shows how much we are dependent on agriculture as a source of employment. 
  • India accounts for around 8% of total global agricultural output. This shows how much agriculture intensive we are as a country. And a bulk of food crop is exported also, so agriculture is a source of revenue too.


  • Manufacturing is also a very important sector for a developing country like India. In 1990, India's GDP was higher than China's GDP but if we see now, China's economy is close to $11 trillion and our economy is around $2.2 trillion and the major reason behind this is the growth of manufacturing sector in China. This shows the importance of manufacturing sector in a country.
  • During the past two decades, this sector has been more or less stagnant contributing about 15% to the GDP, but in the past couple of years it had got a major boost most famously in the name 'Make In India' Campaign. In the past two years it had contributed over 17% o the GDP.
  • So the manufacturing sector is developing and it is also very important to develop this sector in order to reduce the unemployment level in India because we cannot create much job opportunities in agricultural sector, we have to create job in this sector by developing Industries.
              As I have said in the beginning also, Agriculture and Manufacturing are the two face of the same coin. We cannot give priority to one sector and leave other. Both of them has to be taken care simultaneously in order to develop our economy.

             And to conclude, for me it's not the issue of Agriculture or Manufacturing. It's Agriculture and Manufacturing.   

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