Thursday 5 October 2017


 This is not a topic in which any country would like to top but unfortunately India has topped in most number of Selfie death. Between March 2014 and September 2016, 127 selfie death took place out of which 76 occurred in India, that is 60% of selfie death took place in India.
     The issue is getting bigger as more people are becoming selfie addict. From morning till night wherever a person is going he/she will find a place to click selfie. While travelling in a bus, walking in a crowded place, watching movie or just sitting idle people click selfie everywhere. If someone is happy he takes a selfie, if someone is sad he too takes a selfie. So taking selfie doesn't depend on mood, it has become a habit. Some selfies are good but some cost our lives. To make selfie unique, people don't realize the danger which they are going to face and end up taking the selfie at the cost of their life. 
      On 9th May 2016, an 18 year old girl from SNDT college drowned in Bandra sea whiletaking selfie with her friends. Her friend jumped to save her but he too drowned.
      On 15th May 2017, a 21 year old Engineering Student from Tamil Nadu was taking selfie with hs mother and sister on the edge of a rock. A wave hit her, she lost her balance and drowned.
     There are numerous cases where death could have been avoided had selfie not been taken.
     The word 'Selfie' was declared Word of the Year in 2013 but even before that selfie has already became an addiction for the whole generation. In 2016, more than 24 billion selfies was uploaded in Google Photos. This shows how people are addicted to selfies and the much selfie is being taken everyday by us. 
     Taking selfie is good and we all should take it in order to capture our favourite moment and to relive it afterwards but taking it by risking our life is not at all acceptable. 

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